Soft tissue sarcomas, AKA spindle cell tumors – why they just kinda suck

Let’s talk tumors, growths, lumps, cancer, whatever you want to call it. And why certain ones suck, but do not suck as bad as others. There are two broad categories of tumor, based on the cell type from which they originate. Round cell tumors are your lymphomas, mast cells, other tumors whose cells look, well, […]

Dogs and their (enlarged) prostates

We’ve all seen the ads on TV. The older gentleman who repeatedly goes to the bathroom and has trouble urinating. The calming voiceover assures us this is all too common, and there is help for grampa. This disorder in men is caused by a prostate gland that becomes enlarged, and obstructs the urethra (the tube […]

Histiocytoma – everyone’s favorite tumor for dogs

I know, the words “favorite” and “tumor” in the same sentence is a little weird. Hear me out… Imagine a lump showing up on your dog’s leg. It’s big. It’s nasty looking. Sometimes they bleed. You’re freaked, so you take your dog to your veterinarian to see what it is. You’re envisioning surgery for removal […]

Should you give your dog Vitamin C?

Dogs are like people in a lot of ways. They are part of our family. Many diseases that people get, dogs can get. We even treat dogs with many “human” medications! So it’s easy to see how the line can be blurred on where the dog-human similarities end. One big difference is in the area […]

3 surprising health problems snow can reveal about your dog

It seems when it comes to dogs and snow, they either love it and can’t get enough, or hate it and want inside the second they are done pottying. I don’t know any dogs who aren’t quite sure how they feel about it. We veterinarians, however, have discovered over the years that snow can be […]

How cold is too cold for a dog to be outside?

Every Winter, particularly during a cold spell, I am asked by owners “At what temperature is it too cold for my pet to ____?” The subject is usually going on a long walk, letting the cat into the yard, etc. We all love our pets and we want to keep them safe and healthy, and […]

Feline dementia (where’s my litter box?)

You may have noticed some behavior changes in your senior cat. Some of these changes can be symptoms of pain (here’s my article on how to tell if your cat is in pain), but we need to consider dementia in addition. Yes, cats, like people, can become senile as they age – happens to many […]

What does YOUR heartworm preventative cover?

My earlier article went through every type of intestinal parasite that is treated by various American heartworm preventatives. But, which product treats what parasite? It is not simple! I color-coded the parasites for each product to make them easy to spot. Oral Medications Heartgard Plus/Iverhart Plus/Triheart Plus The original. The classic. There are now many […]

Feline urinary tract disease (when good cats have angry bladders)

One of the more frustrating problems I deal with as a veterinarian is cats and their bladder problems: the inflammation they get in their bladder that causes painful, bloody urine, often outside the litter box. It’s such a convoluted topic, no one can even agree on what to call it! When I was in vet […]

Does your dog need a sweater?

Sure, sweaters can be froo froo and cute. But honestly, some dogs truly need them! Let’s face it, it’s cold. On a particularly slow news day, that gets repeated multiple times. Our big dogs with thick coats love this weather! We can’t get them to come in, especially when there’s snow! Our little dogs, however, […]

You CAN give your pet turkey on Thanksgiving?!? WHAT!?

Did you know that, for the majority of pets, you CAN give turkey on Thanksgiving!?!? I know I know I know.  Many vets tell you NO table food. They say to NEVER give your pet any turkey on Thanksgiving. Why do they say that? It’s just easy. People tend to want to over-indulge their pet, […]

Peanut butter warning!

It’s quite common to use peanut butter to give your dog medication. It sticks to the pill and is downright delicious. A new trend is starting with some off-brand, “natural” type peanut butters. They are including a sweetener called xylitol. This is a safe, no-calorie sweetener for people, but is highly poisonous to dogs! Xylitol […]

My blind dog – and what I learned

Last year, I came in contact with a dog who was pulled from animal control by a rescue group, and needed a foster home. Of course, I can’t turn down a homeless fluffy face, so agreed to foster him. When we first met, Linus was more interested in sniffing his new surroundings than in meeting […]

Anal glands – AKA the licking/scooting solution

Anal glands! Dogs have them. Cats have them. Humans, thank God, don’t have them. Some dogs have a lifetime of trouble with them, and need them expressed (emptied out) often. Other dogs act like they don’t even have them. What gives? First off, a little anatomy. Anal glands produce a stinky, almost fishy smelling fluid, […]

Cat puke – how much is too much?

Cats puke. Everyone with cats know this. Particularly after you buy new furniture, clean the carpets, etc. A great question a client recently asked is: how much is too much? Unfortunately, there is no black and white answer (is there ever in this field?). Generally speaking, once a month is considered “acceptable” by most specialists. […]