There seems to be growing concern about whether our pets should be kept inside, even away from windows, during the solar eclipse. How do you know if it’s safe to let pets out during the eclipse? Since every pet is different, here’s how to decide what you need to do to keep your pets safe.
If any of the following scenarios have happened to you, then you MUST keep your pet indoors and away from windows during the solar eclipse:
Photo by Samson Katt
Rumors are circling the neighborhood about the local dogs placing bets on who can stare at the sun the longest. You’ve always suspected your dog has a gambling problem, although he continues to deny any involvement.
- Your cat has always been one for conspiracy theories, and no matter how you try to educating him, he insists the eclipse is just a money grab for “Big Glasses.”
- You overhear your dogs planning to go outside together to watch “the giant B-A-L-L in the sky”.
- You checked your cat’s cell phone and found selfies he’s taken with your eclipse glasses being worn without safety in mind. When asked about these selfies, he denies any knowledge of how those got there.
If none of these scenarios has happened to you and your pets, then good news! You can let your dog out to potty, let your cat relax in the window, and everything will be fine during the solar eclipse.
In all seriousness, dogs and cats don’t know there’s an eclipse going on, no matter how many times you talk about it in front of them. Think of all the wild animals outside during an eclipse who do not suffer vision damage, and your pets will be the same! Worry about keeping your own eyes safe, but pets can be outside for the solar eclipse.