Turmeric/Curcumin – Can it really treat inflammatory conditions?

Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, has gotten a lot of credit over the past few years. Can it really help with arthritis pain? Or is it more placebo effect? I looked at the research. Not what the salesperson says, or what the companies selling it say. I looked at studies that were at least […]

Glucosamine and Chondroitin Supplements – Myth, Magic, or somewhere in the Middle??

We’ve all seen ads online for various joint supplements that claim they transformed a dog’s life, bringing it from barely mobile to running and playing in the yard. The mainstay of these is often two common ingredients: glucosamine and chondroitin. It is often alleged that they help treat arthritis pain. Arthritis, and therefore, pain, involve […]

Pets whose lives changed from weight loss

Obesity is, in the majority of cases, brought on by simply overfeeding. But you can turn things around! If you read my previous article on the tragedy of obesity, you need to know there can be happy endings! We just need to acknowledge the problem and intervene as early as possible. Here’s two success stories […]

How do I know if my dog is in pain?

How can you tell if your dog is in pain? I wish we could just ask them! When it comes to concealing pain, dogs have mad skills. Many of them are people pleasers. Very few dogs want to be a party pooper. So, hurting or not, the show must go on! They don’t want to […]

Your pet needs fish oil – now what? How to buy the right one.

The more our field learns about fish oil and omega fatty acids, the more we veterinarians have been recommending them. There’s a good chance your pet, or a pet you know, has been recommended to be on fish oil. It’s great for problem skin (big time!), arthritis, kidney disease, heart disease, and even can help […]