Old skinny cat running around eating lots: Hyperthyroidism

“My cat seems to be losing weight no matter how much I feed him.” “My cat can’t seem to get enough to eat or drink!” “Why is my cat losing weight? I keep feeding her more but it doesn’t help – she still yowls a lot.” These are how many of my appointments with hyperthyroid […]

6 easy tricks to improve your senior cat’s quality of life

We know that cats are the masters of hiding pain. Once you learn the subtle signs (here’s my article on how to decode these signs of pain) your next thought is – what can I do to help? A trip to the vet is always a great idea! Finding out if there is a major […]

Feline dementia (where’s my litter box?)

You may have noticed some behavior changes in your senior cat. Some of these changes can be symptoms of pain (here’s my article on how to tell if your cat is in pain), but we need to consider dementia in addition. Yes, cats, like people, can become senile as they age – happens to many […]