Lipomas on dogs

One of the most common lumps that owners find on their dogs is the lipoma. When I tell owners the lump they were worried about is a lipoma, it’s met with relief, since these are not cancerous. But they are not always 100% benign. A lipoma is defined as a mass of fat, AKA a […]

Soft tissue sarcomas, AKA spindle cell tumors – why they just kinda suck

Let’s talk tumors, growths, lumps, cancer, whatever you want to call it. And why certain ones suck, but do not suck as bad as others. There are two broad categories of tumor, based on the cell type from which they originate. Round cell tumors are your lymphomas, mast cells, other tumors whose cells look, well, […]

Histiocytoma – everyone’s favorite tumor for dogs

I know, the words “favorite” and “tumor” in the same sentence is a little weird. Hear me out… Imagine a lump showing up on your dog’s leg. It’s big. It’s nasty looking. Sometimes they bleed. You’re freaked, so you take your dog to your veterinarian to see what it is. You’re envisioning surgery for removal […]