The cancer cats get in their mouths

I really couldn’t come up with a catchy title. It’s a sucky disease. Cancer sucks. So the title sucks. It’s a theme. But let’s talk about Squamous Cell Carcinoma. It’s a type of cancer that can occur in a variety of places. Humans get it on their skin (reason to wear your sunblock!!). Dogs and […]

Bringing your pet home after hospitalization – what to expect

If your dog or cat was seriously ill, or underwent a major medical procedure, he may have spent several days in the veterinary hospital or ICU. When you bring him home, you are excited to have your buddy back! There is some adjusting that needs to happen though. Knowing what to expect will let you […]

Old skinny cat running around eating lots: Hyperthyroidism

“My cat seems to be losing weight no matter how much I feed him.” “My cat can’t seem to get enough to eat or drink!” “Why is my cat losing weight? I keep feeding her more but it doesn’t help – she still yowls a lot.” These are how many of my appointments with hyperthyroid […]

Are you TRULY prepared to leave your pet while you travel? The thing every pet owner forgets.

Vacation time is upon us! We all think we have our act together when it comes to our pets, but the majority of pet owners forget one very important detail. This article might be a little of a downer, but the goal is to help you help your pet! We all know the rules. Whether […]

Tapeworms – you can see ’em, the lab can’t!

This scenario plays out in vet clinics across the country. It happened to me before I went to vet school! Hopefully, front desk staff at vet clinics is getting better at communicating to avoid these mix-ups. You are picking up your dog or cat’s poop, and you see tiny white worms. They are moving in […]

3 ways people harm wildlife by trying to help

You let your dog out in the yard, and he seems overly interested in one particular spot. You find a nest of baby bunnies. They have been licked, but otherwise seem OK. What do you do? A – Take them inside and contact a wildlife rescuer. Now that your dog has touched them, they have […]

Feline dementia (where’s my litter box?)

You may have noticed some behavior changes in your senior cat. Some of these changes can be symptoms of pain (here’s my article on how to tell if your cat is in pain), but we need to consider dementia in addition. Yes, cats, like people, can become senile as they age – happens to many […]

Which vaccines does your cat really need?

Years ago, veterinarians gave every shot to every cat, every year. No one asked about lifestyle. No one asked if this was actually helping the cat or harming the cat. No one asked if one shot was different from the next. Over the past 15 or so years, things have changed for the better! We’ve […]

Eight things about cats you (possibly) never knew

Instead of my usual article on a health topic, thought I’d mix things up this week. Never hurts to learn new things! Here are eight things I find myself discussing in appointments that always get people talking. 1 – Cats do not have receptors on their tongues to detect sweet flavors. This is why treats […]

Cat puke – how much is too much?

Cats puke. Everyone with cats know this. Particularly after you buy new furniture, clean the carpets, etc. A great question a client recently asked is: how much is too much? Unfortunately, there is no black and white answer (is there ever in this field?). Generally speaking, once a month is considered “acceptable” by most specialists. […]

Keeping pets safe on Halloween

Everybody (hopefully) knows the “pet safety” shpeal: Don’t give your dog chocolate. Some sugar free foods are toxic. Keep your pets inside (black cats in particular – some people are freaks). Here are a few things we might not think about in the hustle and excitement of the festivities. –People dressed in costumes, especially masks, […]

Common litter box mistakes

Lately I’ve had quite a few conversations about litter boxes! While every household is unique, and every cat is unique, here are some common issues I see. 1 – NOT ENOUGH The number of litter boxes in the house should equal the number of cats +1 . That is the number to prevent social issues […]

Heartworm disease in cats

Everyone knows how important it is to keep dogs on monthly heartworm preventative. But can cats get heartworm? Let’s see….. For starters, heartworm is transmitted the same way in dogs and cats. A mosquito flies around, sucks on an animal with heartworms, ingests the larvae from that pet’s blood, and then processes it into a more […]

Getting your cat to exercise

Most people know that cats are safest when kept indoors. If your cat enjoys going outdoors (some cats love it, some cats loathe it!) it’s best with the safety of a harness and leash. Problem with the indoor -only lifestyle? Most cats are overweight, and get little or no exercise. Here are some good indoor […]