Pet weight loss tips and tricks

If you read my earlier article about the health risks of obesity, you might have been inspired (or scared!). If your pet needs to lose weight, the time to start is now. First, accept the fact that weight loss takes time – often months. If you have a large dog who has mobility issues, losing […]

Pets whose lives changed from weight loss

Obesity is, in the majority of cases, brought on by simply overfeeding. But you can turn things around! If you read my previous article on the tragedy of obesity, you need to know there can be happy endings! We just need to acknowledge the problem and intervene as early as possible. Here’s two success stories […]

The ONE simple thing to keep your pet living longer

You might feed organic, grain free food. Fluffy might be sleeping on a bed of dye-free organic cotton. You might cook free-range meat with whole grain meals every day for your pet. She drinks filtered water. Her air purifier hums consistently. Hopefully you keep your pet on a routine heartworm preventative. You follow your vet’s […]

3 things to never put in your pet’s ears

I am frequently asked to look at a pet’s ear because the owner noticed a discharge. Sometimes they will proudly say “…so I cleaned it with ______!” Often I find myself cringing. First, don’t clean it before the vet sees it – it’s like tampering with evidence (here’s my article on the importance of ear […]

My pet’s eyes are watery – how soon should I see a vet?

Eye cases are tough. Sometimes it’s a major emergency. Other times it’s simply something that needs time to resolve. When to get your pet seen by a vet ASAP? Of course, not every pet reads the manual, but some general rules may be helpful. Here’s a few scenarios I hear a lot: 1 – Your […]

Ear infections need to be diagnosed before we treat them

Ear infections can be one of the most frustrating conditions to treat! If your senior pet has never had an ear infection, they probably never will. Other pets, particularly dogs, have a constant, lifelong battle with ear infections. Some dogs it’s just one ear, but always that same ear! What gives? These dogs that seem to […]

How many shots does my kitten or puppy need?

There seems to be so much confusion on this question – even people who work in vet clinics often do not understand! How many “distemper shots” should this puppy or kitten get? Once you know the science behind it, it is actually quite simple.  There is no set number of vaccinations a puppy or kitten […]

New, improved guidelines for Rabies exposure

This week we have a great example of policy catching up to science! Every year or so, a group of experts in the field convenes and updates the Compendium of Animal Rabies Prevention and Control. They are the ones making recommendations on what action is required in terms of vaccination against rabies, as well as […]

How to use the new anti-cruelty laws to help an animal in need

Animal lovers cheered when many states enacted tougher laws against animal abuse. For instance, here in IL, the law officially bans leaving a pet exposed in “extreme weather.” All 50 states have laws like this, making it a misdemeanor to leave an animal outside with insufficient shelter. In Massachusetts and Oklahoma, sometimes it can even […]

With many medications, timing matters!

We vets often write instructions on the bottle of medication like “Give three times a day” or “Give once a day.” Seems simple enough, right? Did you know that some medications actually work best when given a certain way? As always, check with your vet if you have specific questions. Here are some drugs that, […]

You CAN give your pet turkey on Thanksgiving?!? WHAT!?

Did you know that, for the majority of pets, you CAN give turkey on Thanksgiving!?!? I know I know I know.  Many vets tell you NO table food. They say to NEVER give your pet any turkey on Thanksgiving. Why do they say that? It’s just easy. People tend to want to over-indulge their pet, […]

Peanut butter warning!

It’s quite common to use peanut butter to give your dog medication. It sticks to the pill and is downright delicious. A new trend is starting with some off-brand, “natural” type peanut butters. They are including a sweetener called xylitol. This is a safe, no-calorie sweetener for people, but is highly poisonous to dogs! Xylitol […]

Blood pressure and pets

When we go to the doctor, having our blood pressure taken is just routine. Why isn’t it for dogs and cats? For starters, blood pressure is perhaps the most difficult parameter to accurately measure in dogs and cats. It wasn’t until less than 15 years ago that reliable veterinary machines were developed. It used to […]

Could it be bloat?

A lot of people are familiar with the condition known as “bloat,” which we in the field call “GDV,” or Gastric Dilitation Volvulus. Often, if a dog is acting odd, or not wanting to eat, owners will hop online, read about bloat, and panic. Yes, this is a very serious condition that requires immediate attention. […]