Common litter box mistakes

Lately I’ve had quite a few conversations about litter boxes! While every household is unique, and every cat is unique, here are some common issues I see. 1 – NOT ENOUGH The number of litter boxes in the house should equal the number of cats +1 . That is the number to prevent social issues […]

Heartworm disease in cats

Everyone knows how important it is to keep dogs on monthly heartworm preventative. But can cats get heartworm? Let’s see….. For starters, heartworm is transmitted the same way in dogs and cats. A mosquito flies around, sucks on an animal with heartworms, ingests the larvae from that pet’s blood, and then processes it into a more […]

Getting your cat to exercise

Most people know that cats are safest when kept indoors. If your cat enjoys going outdoors (some cats love it, some cats loathe it!) it’s best with the safety of a harness and leash. Problem with the indoor -only lifestyle? Most cats are overweight, and get little or no exercise. Here are some good indoor […]