My pet is sick – and his blood tests were perfect? What a blood panel shows!

This happens quite often: I’ll see a sick dog or cat, run a general blood profile… and it comes back 100% normal. Your pet could be coughing, not eating, throwing up, or just not himself. Whatever the reason, something isn’t right, and you’re disappointed that the blood tests that were ran didn’t give us a […]

My veterinarian says my dog has mild anemia – now what?

As a house call veterinarian, I treat a lot of senior pets, so therefore I run a lot of senior bloodwork. Every so often the blood results on a seemingly healthy older dog comes back with one abnormality – anemia. What is it, and how worried are we? Like everything else in medicine…it depends on […]

Elevated liver enzymes in senior dogs- what does it really mean?

It happens quite often that I’ll run a blood panel on a seemingly healthy senior dog, and I discover one or two liver enzymes are higher than normal. How worried should we be? Well, it depends, but here’s some general patterns. The usual culprit is an enzyme called Alkaline Phosphatase, or Alk-Phos, or Alk-P. I […]

Addison’s Disease – the syndrome that can look like anything

Whenever I have a patient that I suspect Addison’s disease in, I always sigh and dread having to explain it. Why? The disease is not straight-forward, can have many forms, and can imitate other disease, making a simple explanation impossible. I’ll try to cover it as reasonably as possible…this might be long and kinda boring […]

Diarrhea in dogs and cats- when to worry

Everyone with a dog or cat has dealt with it at one point. It’s never pretty. It’s diarrhea. Of course, I could write pages and pages on this topic. Our focus here: when do you start to worry? There are many variables at play. The diarrhea could be a nuisance that clears up easily with medication (or on […]

Dogs with bloody diarrhea that looks like raspberry jelly – HGE

Here’s one disease that really freaks dog owners out. It can be mild, but some severe cases can be life-threatening, so it’s good to know what’s going on. We’re talking about a syndrome called HGE: Hemorrhagic GastroEnteritis. Hemorrhagic means a big bloody mess. Gastro-Enteritis literally translates to inflammation of the stomach and intestines.  The primary […]

Who’s Somogyi and why should I care?

If you have a diabetic pet, you’ll want to know about Dr. Somogyi. He was a scientist who developed the first insulin treatment given to a (human) child. He also discovered the “Somogyi Effect.” Oh, and it’s pronounced so-MOH-gee. This phenomenon is what makes regulating insulin doses in dogs and cats extra challenging. If a […]

Urine problems in diabetic pets

OK, you’re doing great with your diabetic pet. Insulin shots are a piece of cake. You’re doing glucose curves or having fructosamine checked. (here’s the article that covers those). Why does your vet keep wanting a urine sample? Diabetic dogs and cats are very prone to developing urinary tract infections, or UTI’s. Even if your […]

Diets for dogs and cats with diabetes

If your veterinarian tells you your dog or cat has diabetes, your mind initially jumps to insulin shots. There is another key component to managing diabetes, and that is diet! In cats, diet can play a huge role! By getting their blood sugar under control with insulin and switching them to a low carb, high […]

Living with and monitoring a diabetic pet

So you’ve embraced the diagnosis of diabetes. You’re giving insulin, and your anxiety attacks are milder now. With diabetes, you always must be on the watch for complications. Here’s what you need to know. If your pet’s insulin dose is not quite regulated, he or she will likely be drinking a lot of water, and […]

Guidelines for insulin shots for diabetic pets

I can’t think of a disease that causes more owner anxiety than diabetes. Something about having to give a shot twice a day, every day, to an animal you love is very daunting. Then you do it a couple times and suddenly, it’s a breeze! I’ll also answer the common question of “how far apart/early/late […]

Pet owners’ introduction to diabetes (Why insulin is important!)

You may still be reeling from hearing the news that your dog or cat is diabetic. We can get through this! First, let’s get three facts very clear. 1 – Diabetes sucks 2 – Diabetes is not a death sentence 3 – For most animals, once you get into a routine, diabetes sucks a lot […]

Is chemotherapy right for your pet?

If you’ve watched a (human) family member go through chemotherapy, you know it’s usually awful. You’re probably thinking “I would never put a pet I love through that.” Neither would I. But chemotherapy in pets is very different than it is in people. That’s a good thing. There are some similarities as well. Here’s some […]

Fat cat + crash diet = disaster!

Any time a pet stops eating, it is cause for concern. However, vets become much more concerned when an overweight cat suddenly decides to go on a crash diet, or even get picky. Skinny cats, believe it or not, I worry less about when they stop eating than fat cats. Counter-intuitive, perhaps, because skinny cats […]

Canine Influenza (AKA Dog Flu) – an update

Last spring the “new and deadly dog flu” was making headlines. Thankfully, the media hype has calmed down. I practice in St. Louis, and we just now had our first “official” case of canine influenza diagnosed. Thought now was a good time to re-visit the subject. Before everyone starts panicking, let’s get the facts and […]

Feline urinary tract disease (when good cats have angry bladders)

One of the more frustrating problems I deal with as a veterinarian is cats and their bladder problems: the inflammation they get in their bladder that causes painful, bloody urine, often outside the litter box. It’s such a convoluted topic, no one can even agree on what to call it! When I was in vet […]

Cats that can’t pee – stop everything!

If your cat has suffered bouts of FIC flare-ups, your vet probably has warned you to watch and make sure your cat is able to urinate. What’s the big deal? Cats with FIC can develop sandy debris or stones in their bladders. When a male cat urinates and these try to pass, the long, skinny […]

Cushings disease – the basics

Your vet might have told you she suspects your dog has cushings disease. It’s a complicated disease with many aspects. This article is longer than most, and has a lot of information. Get comfortable. Maybe grab a beverage. Here’s what you need to know. First, your dog has two adrenal glands, just like people, in […]

Cat puke – how much is too much?

Cats puke. Everyone with cats know this. Particularly after you buy new furniture, clean the carpets, etc. A great question a client recently asked is: how much is too much? Unfortunately, there is no black and white answer (is there ever in this field?). Generally speaking, once a month is considered “acceptable” by most specialists. […]

Thyroid disease in dogs and cats

Cats and dogs are opposites in a lot of ways, but thyroid activity is perhaps the most distinct. The thyroid gland does a lot – it regulates the body’s metabolism. Cats typically develop HYPERthyroidism – the thyroid gland is overactive. Most owners notice their cat is eating the same amount or a lot more, yet […]