My cat has FIV – what do I do?

It is quite common for a kind person to find a stray cat, take it in for a few days to find an owner, and end up keeping the cat as part of their family. I often see these cats for their first veterinary visit after the new pet parent has had them for a […]

Our cats are NOT loving “Shelter-in-place”

With many people working from home, kids being home from school, and the whole schedule changing, many cats have had their routines turned upside down. Eventually we will try to return to “normal” life, whatever that will be like, but how can we help our cats adjust? While dogs might think it’s cool that their […]

Upper respiratory infections in cats – and does Lysine help?

One of the most common diseases in cats that veterinarians see is Upper Respiratory Infections (URI). These most commonly affect kittens, but many adult cats experience symptoms as well. Symptoms include sneezing (sometimes really juicy ones) along with one or both eyes being infected (conjunctivitis). Some cats even get so congested they don’t want to […]

Pregnant? You can keep your cat! The scoop on Toxoplasmosis

Many pregnant women go to their first doctor visit and leave with unnecessary fear and anxiety about their beloved cat. Physicians have been getting better in the past years, but there are still some doctors out there who have not kept up with the times, and are telling pregnant women they cannot have a cat […]

How to buy & introduce the best scratching post for your cat (and not need to declaw after all!)

Shopping for a scratching post for your new cat? Thinking about declawing but want to offer an option besides your leather couch first? Buying a scratching post is a great idea, but buying the right one can make all the difference between your cat using it regularly, or ignoring it and working on the couch […]

The cancer cats get in their mouths

I really couldn’t come up with a catchy title. It’s a sucky disease. Cancer sucks. So the title sucks. It’s a theme. But let’s talk about Squamous Cell Carcinoma. It’s a type of cancer that can occur in a variety of places. Humans get it on their skin (reason to wear your sunblock!!). Dogs and […]

Treatment options for hyperthyroid cats

If your vet just told you your cat has an overactive thyroid, you’re probably a bit relieved that it is a treatable disease! Treatment options vary, and there’s bound to be one that works for you and your cat! Methimazole / Tapazole This is the original treatment. It comes in pill form (small pills too!), […]

Old skinny cat running around eating lots: Hyperthyroidism

“My cat seems to be losing weight no matter how much I feed him.” “My cat can’t seem to get enough to eat or drink!” “Why is my cat losing weight? I keep feeding her more but it doesn’t help – she still yowls a lot.” These are how many of my appointments with hyperthyroid […]

6 easy tricks to improve your senior cat’s quality of life

We know that cats are the masters of hiding pain. Once you learn the subtle signs (here’s my article on how to decode these signs of pain) your next thought is – what can I do to help? A trip to the vet is always a great idea! Finding out if there is a major […]

Feline dementia (where’s my litter box?)

You may have noticed some behavior changes in your senior cat. Some of these changes can be symptoms of pain (here’s my article on how to tell if your cat is in pain), but we need to consider dementia in addition. Yes, cats, like people, can become senile as they age – happens to many […]

How can I tell if my cat is suffering or in pain?

If you’ve lived with a cat, you know that making our lives easier is most certainly not on their agenda. They are great communicators in some aspects – when he’s hungry, you will be informed in no uncertain terms, particularly if it’s 5am. Some cats clearly show their disdain at the litter box not being […]

Fat cat + crash diet = disaster!

Any time a pet stops eating, it is cause for concern. However, vets become much more concerned when an overweight cat suddenly decides to go on a crash diet, or even get picky. Skinny cats, believe it or not, I worry less about when they stop eating than fat cats. Counter-intuitive, perhaps, because skinny cats […]

Which vaccines does your cat really need?

Years ago, veterinarians gave every shot to every cat, every year. No one asked about lifestyle. No one asked if this was actually helping the cat or harming the cat. No one asked if one shot was different from the next. Over the past 15 or so years, things have changed for the better! We’ve […]

Can I skip all vaccines if my cat NEVER goes outside?

I have many owners whose cats never set foot outside. They are not “flight risks” and have no interest in going outside. Ever. These owners often prefer not to continue vaccinating their adult cats. Some vets insist on it, every year. What to do? There are two main vaccines that are generally recommended for all […]

Cats with weepy eyes and juicy sneezes

Indoor only cats are very rarely exposed to other diseases. So how is it that your cat was healthy last week, and suddenly seems to have a cold? One word – herpes. (Technically called FHV, or Feline Herpesvirus-1) No, your cat hasn’t been sneaking out, meeting other cats. In fact, 90% of cats in this […]

Feline urinary tract disease (when good cats have angry bladders)

One of the more frustrating problems I deal with as a veterinarian is cats and their bladder problems: the inflammation they get in their bladder that causes painful, bloody urine, often outside the litter box. It’s such a convoluted topic, no one can even agree on what to call it! When I was in vet […]

Cats that can’t pee – stop everything!

If your cat has suffered bouts of FIC flare-ups, your vet probably has warned you to watch and make sure your cat is able to urinate. What’s the big deal? Cats with FIC can develop sandy debris or stones in their bladders. When a male cat urinates and these try to pass, the long, skinny […]

Eight things about cats you (possibly) never knew

Instead of my usual article on a health topic, thought I’d mix things up this week. Never hurts to learn new things! Here are eight things I find myself discussing in appointments that always get people talking. 1 – Cats do not have receptors on their tongues to detect sweet flavors. This is why treats […]

Cat puke – how much is too much?

Cats puke. Everyone with cats know this. Particularly after you buy new furniture, clean the carpets, etc. A great question a client recently asked is: how much is too much? Unfortunately, there is no black and white answer (is there ever in this field?). Generally speaking, once a month is considered “acceptable” by most specialists. […]

Thyroid disease in dogs and cats

Cats and dogs are opposites in a lot of ways, but thyroid activity is perhaps the most distinct. The thyroid gland does a lot – it regulates the body’s metabolism. Cats typically develop HYPERthyroidism – the thyroid gland is overactive. Most owners notice their cat is eating the same amount or a lot more, yet […]